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keep teeth Healthier

Top 5 food for healthier teeth 



  • balance the mouth's pH Levels 
  • Preserves and rebuilds tooth enamel and produces saliva 

  • keeps the gums hydrated and is the best way to stimulate saliva 
  • rinsing your mouth with water also helps wash away trapped food particles that decompose in the mouth and cause bad breath
Green tea 

  • Contains catechins which kill the bacteria in your mouth that turn sugar into plague
  • catechins also wipe out the bacteria that cause bad breath


  • One large kiwi supllies more than 100% of your recommended daily amount of vitamin c , vitamin c deficiency can cause the collagen network in your gums 

  • extra chewing produces plenty of saliva , which neutralizes the bacteria streptococcus mutans that cause cavities 
